we4DRR members in focus: Giulia Bossi

On November 23rd 2022, the first edition of our autumn webinar series we4DRR members in focus was held online. Giulia Bossi from the National Research Council, Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection (CNR-IRPI) in Italy gave insights about her career, research topics, and personal views at work and life.
Giulia Bossi is currently PI at the Geo-risk Management Group within CNR-IRPI. Her research mainly focuses on landslide modelling devoted to implementing Early Warning Systems (EWS) and defining hazard scenarios used for Civil Protection plans and structural risk mitigation measures. She has led several projects to define protection strategies for people, properties and infrastructures exposed to large landslide for local and national authorities. She also works on the effect of geotechnical uncertainty in producing reliable forward hazard scenarios.
She has authored more than 30 papers in peer-reviewed journal and is currently chair in the Italian section of the International Association of Engineering Geology.
- As a child I wanted to become: a fireman (not really different from what I do)
- The three most important things on my office desk are: workstation, cup of coffee, really colourful markers
- My perfect work day starts with: no admin work
- I restore my energy by: Staying with my family and long walks with historical podcasts
- My secret of success is: Try to see the bright side of things
On impossible standards and a plan B
In her personal career talk Giulia gave us insight into her daily work life but also her career path. On hard days she learned to prioritise her tasks and ask for help by being really specific. She values a good night's sleep, kindness and generosity - these three things are important in a work environment for her and she thinks it's an outdated assumption that you have to work at night to be productive.
In terms of differences between men and women, Giulia thinks we should accept our differences, regard them as strengths and act accordingly - for example she was educated in and is good in solving conflicts, many of her male colleagues are more skilled in working in the field. Giulia also thinks it is important to have a plan B, especially in the first years in academia, to not feel trapped and has a good support system within her family and husband.
Giulia recommends doing many different things in your career because they present opportunities, you learn something and have fun. And last but not least she defines success as happiness and spreading happiness. She also tries to find tangible purpose in her work - for example to help a little mountain village not getting hit by landslides - which is important for fulfillment.